To remember one’s self

The most profound experience in life is to remember one’s self. To remember that at the very heart of everything that is your self though you might not want to identify with all of it – that is, your body, your thoughts and emotions, your fears and hopes, your social circles and aspirations and pains of the past, your failings and well-farings – in short, the whole book of your life…that at the core of this mess there is something solid, unbreakable and timeless.

To understand this while you still live is to touch the sacred. Everything in your complex self comes to a very different light through such an encounter – the encounter with your own being that is within you and yet grows from something utterly alien to your human nature.

To act upon this understanding and to shape your self so that it resonates with the pulse that flows from your being – that is the most important deed you can do in this life, and that is what you must do unless you want to live a lie.

The next time you look at the stars in their distant light, remind yourself where you come from. When you live remembering the truth of your self, you are already among them.

The Work of the Adept


Between the idea
And the reality
Between the motion
And the act
Falls the Shadow

Between the conception
And the creation

Between the potency
And the existence

Falls the Shadow

– T.S. Eliot. The Hollow Men

And so we can see in the Dark of our own Shadows, and Act to the Need of our Creative Aim.

The Book of the Devil